Is Google Losing the War on AI-Generated Content? Says So! Just Predicted the Next Google Algorithm Update to be a War on AI-content!

Owning a website and worried about Google updates? You’re not alone.

A recent study by shows a dramatic increase in AI-generated content in search results, from 2.3% in 2019 to 10.2% in March 2024.

This surge comes despite Google’s efforts to combat AI content with policy updates. The study even suggests that a significant portion of websites de-indexed in the March 2024 update contained AI-generated content.

Back in 2022 and onwards, Google had no reservations about using AI-writing tools to create website content, as long as the content was ‘helpful’.

So, why does Google no longer like AI-generated content in its SERPs? Let us break it down for you.

Why is Google Waging War on AI Content in 2024?

Google’s primary function is to deliver the most relevant and valuable search results to its users. The proliferation of low-quality, AI-generated content poses a significant threat to this core function.

Here’s why Google is concerned.


1. Google SERPs are Suffering from Low-Quality Content

Yes, that’s true.

When Google says it’s suffering from AI-generated content taking over its SERPs, then it is.

The problem behind AI content is that can be generic and repetitive, offering little value to users. This can lead to a decline in overall search quality, frustrating users and potentially driving them to alternative search engines.

We don’t say (and neither does Google) that there is no helpful AI content, but there is always bad and spammy content driving traffic from bloggers creating real, helpful, and original content that answers the user search intent.

Plus, it made sense when reputed news media outlets started to block AI web crawlers. As if they just knew how Google would respond to AI-generated content in its search results.

And this is the subject for the next heading.

2. Google is Just Becoming an Echo Chamber for Large Language Models (LLMs)

Moreover, AI content can also be easily manipulated to spread misinformation or promote specific agendas. This can create echo chambers where users are only exposed to information that confirms their existing beliefs.

If Google does not take a strict step in the upcoming algorithm updates to tackle AI content then Google SERPs would just be an arena where the best AI Language Model will monopolize the search engine.

3. Lastly, the Black Hat SEO Experts are Always on the Lookout!

To fuel these LLMs are the cunning minds of black hat SEO experts who know how to ensure the SERPs dance to their rhythm. This is going to undermine the integrity of search results and disadvantage websites that rely on high-quality, original content.

So, the next Google algorithm update would be Google’s war on AI-generated content. Originality AI has provided sufficient data to prove this.

Let’s look at that.

Google’s March 2024 Algorithm Update Was an Effort to Minimize AI Content in SERPs

The March 2024 update specifically targeted “AI Spam,” and the results were significant. The study by found that a large portion of websites penalized by Google in this update contained substantial amounts of AI-generated content.

Further analysis of de-indexed websites revealed that 86% had significant AI content, with 30% being pure AI-generated sites.

So let’s pat Google on the back for all its work, but did the March 2024 algorithm update against AI content work? No, not fully.

And that is exactly what is pointing at.

Since website owners seem unfazed, Google will put in even stricter measures to curtail low-quality AI content. Worried? Don’t be.

Here is what you need to do now.

How Should Website Owners React to this Upcoming Google’s War on AI-generated Content?

As a website owner, these trends raise important questions about your content strategy. Here’s how to navigate the evolving landscape of AI content and Google’s search algorithms.

1. Focus on Original, High-Quality Content


There’s no substitute for well-written, informative content that provides genuine value to your target audience. Invest in creating original content that addresses your audience’s needs and establishes your website as a trusted source of information.

2. Prioritize User Experience

Google’s algorithms increasingly prioritize user experience (UX). Ensure your website is user-friendly, with fast loading times, clear navigation, and a layout that promotes engagement.

3. Stay Updated on Google’s Guidelines

Google’s search algorithms are constantly evolving. Stay informed about the latest updates and adjust your content strategy accordingly. Resources like Google Search Central can provide valuable insights.

4. Consider AI Tools as Assistants, Not Replacements

AI-powered writing tools can be valuable assets for content creation. Use them for brainstorming ideas, checking grammar, or generating outlines. However, never rely solely on AI content; ensure human editing and oversight to maintain a high-quality standard.

5. Utilize Tools Like

Tools like can help you analyze your content for originality and ensure it adheres to Google’s guidelines. This can be a valuable long-term investment to ensure your website never gets de-indexed!

The future of AI content in search is uncertain, but by prioritizing original content, you can ensure your website stays Google-friendly.

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FAQs: AI Content, Google, and Your Website

1. Is AI-generated content bad for SEO?

Not inherently. High-quality, original AI content can be beneficial for SEO. However, Google penalizes low-quality, repetitive, or spammy AI content.

2. How can I tell if my content is original?

There are several ways:

Manual Review: Read your content carefully and critically to ensure it’s well-written, informative, and offers value to your audience.

Copyscape: Tools like Copyscape can check your content for plagiarism against existing online sources. This tool goes beyond plagiarism checks and analyzes your content for AI-generated characteristics.

3. Will Google ever completely eliminate AI content from search results?

It’s unlikely. However, Google will likely continue to refine its algorithms to identify and penalize low-quality AI content.

4. What are some alternatives to AI content creation?

1. Hire human writers: Invest in freelance writers or content creation agencies.

2. Guest blogging: Contribute guest posts to relevant websites to gain exposure and backlinks.

3. Curate high-quality content: Aggregate and showcase valuable content from other sources, ensuring proper attribution.

5. How can I stay ahead of the curve on SEO best practices?

1. Subscribe to Google Search Central updates and blogs.

2. Follow SEO industry experts and publications.

3. Attend SEO conferences and workshops.

4. Continuously monitor your website’s performance and adapt your strategy accordingly.

By Chaudhry Awais Ahmed

A tech-savvy who loves writing and staying ahead of the future tech trends, Chaudhry Awais Ahmed is the CEO & Chief Editor at Tech Trend Tomorrow. While he has made a career in the content industry, you will find him busy trying new recipes in the kitchen and creating self-awareness on MEDIUM.

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